Natural make up looks healthy. It essentially gives you a "natural beauty" look where it looks like you aren't wearing any make up. Natural make up also highlights the natural aspects of your features.
Spring and summer are the seasons for natural make up. With more sunlight people get natural tans and renew their skin tones. So there is less need to wear a lot of make up. Less make up puts more emphasis on clothing and jewelry as well.
Natural lip make up doesn't come in the form of chapstick. Clear liquid lip balms are just the thing to bring out the natural colour of your lips. This trend was seen in the early 00's era but is making its comeback with natural make up products.
Natural make up is also great since psychologically your true self is on display. A lot of dark make up can be intimidating and feel as if you are hiding behind a wall. Natural make up is more liberal and youthful.
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