Tuesday 22 November 2016

Exhibitions and LED light boxes

When you’re selling or displaying your business product at an exhibition you want to attract attention. Your business is one of many in the same location and you don’t want to have your products over looked. In addition, you will have limited space and the lighting quality can be poor. LED lightbox signs can help give your business advantages.

Light boxes are different from traditional poster displays because they use LED lined frames. These light up the image and make sit bright and visible. This attracts people’s attention and can immediately capture their interest. In places with dim lighting your displayed images will still be highly visible. Your products won’t be overlooked.

Fabric LED light boxes give yet another advantage as the display can be much bigger than the regular snap frame LED light boxes. The fabric display can show more detail and texture with the images.  There is also less frame visible and the image is the only focus.

LED snap frames are reusable and can use different images. The display is durable and will maintain the display image overtime. The LED bulbs will last over ten years without dimming. The fabric LED light boxes are light weight and are easier to transport. They can be stored for a period of time and the fabric can be rolled up to take up less storage.

These two types of LED light boxes can greatly benefit you at your next exhibition. Not only are they great for attracting interest, but they are easy to set up and travel with. Your next exhibition will have better results with LED light boxes.

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