Thursday 12 October 2017

Halloween Lightbox Styles

Halloween is a festive time of year. If your hosting a party, dinner  or just want to decorate your home LED lightboxes are the way to go. You can get unique Halloween decorations from choosing the right light box and imagery. It will give you unique Halloween decorations you can't get in stores.

A common lightbox idea is to use silhouette landscapes. This uses layers of block images to creates a scenery. The image is enhanced with the use of a lightbox to brighten the image.

You can go simple with design and stick with black and orange Halloween colours. Pair these colours with Halloween objects such as pumpkins, witches, cats and ghosts.

You can get more specific and use the lightboxes to depict well known monsters from horror movies. General monsters such as Frankenstein and Nosferatu are good ideas as well.

Another great idea is to use photographs as lightbox images. At the office or at an event with costumes you can photograph that year's best costume. You can display a line of lightboxes depicting all the years of great costumes. Bars and other event locations can greatly benefit from this idea.

When you get your custom lightboxes go with a professional company. This ensures that you are getting a lightbox made with quality materials. Poor quality light boxes can break down and the LED lights commonly dim or burn out too quickly.

1 comment:

  1. This LED Light Box are simply amazing guys. And this information are really very much effective. I like this information that you gave in the blog. Keep updating this blog. This is awesome.
