A common art illusion for light boxes is called a Trompe d’oeil. This is a French term meaning eye trick. This type of art work was first used in paintings during the renaissance. It was used to create scenery and inspiring landscapes in a room that didn’t have windows or a scenic view from the window.
Modern custom light boxes are incorporating Trompe d’oeil art. This concept is used inspire office workers or added to work cubicles to make them more welcoming. The light box with this art concept inspires with the illusion looking out at wonderful landscapes.
A growing trend is to customize the light box to make it appear as if you are peering outside a window. Shutters or window frames are added to the frame of the light box to complete the illusion.
Similar concepts have been used in famous books such as Harry Potter. In this book series the Ministry is located underground and can’t see outside. To inspire workers there are windows depicting interesting scenes.
Having custom light boxes in cubicles produces a similar inspiring atmosphere for employees. Custom light boxes increase employee morale and work ethic. Light boxes also provide an additional lighting source to increase visibility and avoid eye strain.
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